Flower Guild

The Flower Guild of Chalfont St Giles Church was formed many years ago and now has 18 members which includes one man. It is our pleasure and privilege to arrange flowers in church for the Sunday services excepting during Lent and Advent.

​Our members may be experienced flower arrangers (past teachers, judges, demonstrators, florists or competitors) or those who just love arranging flowers. All are welcome.

​A rota is planned by the Flower Guild leader. Usually we work in pairs to buy, arrange and care for the flowers for one week. However at the Festivals, Easter, Christmas and Harvest it is usual to see 12 or more arrangers working in church.

​We are indebted to our friends and members of the congregation who make donations towards the cost of the flowers at Easter and Christmas and on other occasions in memory of a loved one. We depend upon this help.

Annually, in early December, our guild likes to share their expertise with the community and they host a wreath making workshop in the church. We welcome 80 people over two evenings to make an original wreath to add to their Christmas décor.

​We are happy to meet wedding couples to discuss their colour schemes and wishes for flowers on their wedding day.

​Occasionally Flower Festivals are held in our church. These raise money for charity and are designed and arranged by Flower Guild members and their friends.

If you wish for any more information please contact Mavis Roberts, Flower Guild Leader, on 01494 872809

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